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To remain compliant and avoid financial penalties, FinTechs must know and understand the parameters of their reporting responsibilities. This infographic provides a checklist of the reporting obligations FinTechs must meet under Australian AML/CFT legislation and regulation.

Is Cryptocurrency Legal in Malaysia? Cryptocurrencies: Not legal tender Cryptocurrency exchanges: Legal, must register with the Malaysian Securities Commission  Although cryptocurrencies are legal in Malaysia, they are not considered legal tender. The country’s central bank, Bank Negra Malaysia, has issued […]

New legislation to build a regulatory framework covering crypto custody, market licensing, taxation, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), has been proposed by the Australian government. A consultation paper has been released on a planned Digital Services Act (DSA), seeking input […]

One of the key announcements from the Financial Action Task Force’s March Plenary was its confirmation of changes to Recommendation 24 and its Interpretive Note relating to beneficial ownership standards. The new standards require countries to ensure that competent authorities […]

The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) has started civil proceedings against Australia’s largest casino operator, Crown Resorts, alleging “serious and systemic non-compliance” with the country’s anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism (AML/CTF) laws.  The action relates […]

The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (AUSTRAC) has issued new guidance aimed at helping firms identify and verify sources of funds and wealth, as part of their know your customer (KYC) processes. The draft guidance follows the regulator’s recent […]

The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) has issued new guidance designed to help firms identify suspicious behavior related to forced sexual servitude. While sex work is largely legal or decriminalized across Australia and subject to regulation, forced sexual […]